Well, this page was made as service of help to anyone who want to find hif Fate in Russia. It has additional services, just look carefully.
Originally we made these pages for humans, who wants to find out russian brides. But after one and a half year of job became explicitly, that it is essentially to change the idea and to make our service universal and unique. Now we can offer you of individual selection candidates (male or female, in depending on from that, seek you of bridegroom or bride). We suggest to you the positioning of your annunciations in russian newspapers, journals, electronic blackboard and other stations. By our favors use human beings from US, of Canada, France, England and other countries. The difference of our favors in price. There's exists the flexy system of discounts. Our prices are your prices. You write (by e-mail) to us, what are you want, and indicate your price. We will be to conformable any reasonable price.
Click below to read the general positions of our service.
Main positions

Accounts for our clients

~Visit our friends!~
Visit our friends - the site Russian Stuffs. Wherein you can find and to order any things (stamps, envelopes, coins, cards etc.) which you collect or simply to choose and to change on any souvenires or stuffs from your country. As well as and ours, wherein functions so-called auction, where you propose your price.
Collectible stuffs from Russia

Postal Pals from Siberia. There you can find out addresses and write to new friends.
PenPals from Siberia

Our e-mail is:

[email protected]

(c) 1998-1999
This page has been visited since Sep. 15 1999
